Training Company
In recent years, due to rising prices for the services of professional training managers to become more marketable job of business coaches, freelancers, as they work individually, and all costs attract a coach can be reduced to pay the fee and transportation costs. Companies do not have to pay more for rent, pay staff and profits of the founders. Let's read more consider the pros and cons of working with a coach and a freelancer. As expected, start with the negative sides of the issue. What are the risks of the company, which invites a freelancer? The most important thing: the fact he was a freelancer and that no risk.
No statutory fund or property. Accordingly, it can easily and did not attend, having received an advance payment. Freelance often prefer cash payment, which is not always convenient solid organization. It might not be too professional. A company will be able to check only for training. Yes, and it is doubtful.
Fake coach will surely convince you that it uses new technology that this training is designed by its author's technique and has prolonged effects on the participants, ie effect, you'll wait until he leaves. You do not know him, found via the Internet. The site you like. Guest you are revered. A ring a chime and clarify these comments time or desire is not enough. You consider yourself a professional and hardly wrong in assessing people. And the network has divorced a lot of rogues and dilettantes. One of my friend the therapist made a business card of a major reputable company, and in the regional cities of its present.