Brazilian Education
The same art. 26 say that: In basic and average the educational establishments, official and particular, one becomes obligator education on History and culture Afro-Brazilian. 1 the content programmarian the one that if relates the caption of this article will include the study of the History of Africa and the Africans, the fight of the blacks in Brazil, the Brazilian black culture and the black in the formation of the national society, rescuing the contribution of these peoples in the areas social, economic pertinent politics the History of Brazil. This article 26 in its 4 speaks of the different contributions of ' ' culturas' ' etnias for the formation of the Brazilian people, especially of the matrices aboriginal, African and European in the formation of the society. What we do not question.
But, the proper Law excludes from this contribution the historical fact ' ' Religioso' '. If a people without a religious historical culture cannot conceive. This culture in such a way of the African blacks as of the indians and the European peoples must be part of a deep study that encloses our object of study. Article 26 speaks that in basic and average the educational establishments, official and particular, it becomes obligator education on History and culture Afro-Brazilian. Also we question the reason of the application of Religious Ensino not to be part of this context, a time that it composes a cultural fact of a people.
Art. 29 the infantile education, first stage of the basic education, has as purpose the integral development of the child up to six years of age in its aspects physical, psychological, intellectual and social, complementing the action of the family and the community. BASIC EDUCATION: Art. 32 basic education, with minimum duration of eight years, obligator and gratuitous in the public school, will have for objective the basic formation of the citizen, by means of: I the development of the capacity to learn, having as half basic the full domain of the reading, the writing and the calculation; II the understanding of the natural and social environment, of the system politician, the technology, the arts and the values where if it bases the society; III the development of the learning capacity, in view of the acquisition of knowledge and abilities and the formation of attitudes and values; IV the reinforcement of the bonds of family, of the bows of solidarity human being and reciprocal tolerance where if it seats the social life.