Educative Radio
The FAEDI – Assistencial foundation, Cultural and Educational of the Ibiapaba is the mantenedora entity also of the FACIB – College of the Ibiapaba, TELEVIB – Educative Television of the Ibiapaba, RADIB – Educative Radio of the Ibiapaba, INIB – Institute of Education of the Ibiapaba and of AMIB – Assistance Mdica and Odontolgica of the Ibiapaba. The world-wide net of computers the INTERNET, has been the great vehicle that makes possible the work of interaction between the Kept Mantenedora Institution and Institutions. Had been more than 70,000 accesses registered in our vestibule of Internet, proving finally the great abrangncia of the actions of the FAEDI. It visits our site having access and has access more the information. FACIB – 9,473 DIPLOMEE PUPILS the FACIB – College of the Ibiapaba arrives the mark of 9.473 diplomee pupils in the Course of Graduation in Pedagogia with Qualification in Gesto and Docncia. With the suspension of its activities in 2002 on account of the Process that moves in Federal Justice, the FAEDI appealed to the CNE – National Advice of Education, agency of the MEC – Ministry of the Education that emitted Parecer 313/2002 that it was reexamined by Parecer 202/2003 and finally homologated for the Minister of the Tarso Education Son-in-law, through Portaria 978, published in I GIVE – Official gazette to it of Union of day 13 of April of 2004? Section 1? Page 07. With this action all the pupils of the Course of Graduation in Pedagogia offered for the FACIB, had been submitted the Process of Ratification and Exploitation of Studies through the URCA – Regional University of the Cariri and the UCB – University Castello Branco and had received its respective diplomas. The FACIB until the moment alone will be able to take care of former-pupils in the terms of Parecer already cited and the admission of new pupils for the Course of Pedagogia, will continue suspended, until the conclusion of the Action at law.