What's a house there. Even playing the guitar at the underpass – for you and for a long time will not allow. 'll Play for a reason – will drive the police for disturbing public order. And if you have put before him on the concrete cap, in which passers-by would throw good money – you already may well be fined for illegal business activities. And doing things you love will still be desirable. And we need someone to sell its performance (it should be the same for something to buy the results of other people).
And then the man goes and hires for the money to an organization that is authorized to perform desired activity. Do the orchestra – and play for fun. Become a builder – and build on your health. Or do nothing, you will be taken to the army, and, perhaps, will sit in the cockpit. Money for the work there, of course, be paid.
But will there doing things you love? Of course, give. But you will do what is told and as the say! And that – not quite work. But you have concluded this deal – your freedom in exchange for their money. Who pays the money – the piper calls the tune. Who dines the girl – that her and her dance. Disagree? On the way out with things! Those interested can find. And only a few rich and smart people can create their own island of creativity (the business) and be in it the master. and doing things you love. And to be free in his work. And rejoice in seeing the result of his case. And self-respect. And to benefit people. And enjoy the deserved respect of others. And develop themselves in their favorite business and in living comfort. But it is – a luxury. Not just a luxury, but – the highest luxury. Poor wise man, it can not afford. The rich fool is not on the mind. Of course, you can pull the plug on this world to live poor, and doing things you love. There are beggars poets and singers. But this – is not the best way, which often results in the loss and the creativity and vitality. Doing things you love alone and in poverty – is a dead end road.