The BI Solutions
Business intelligence solutions (BI) is worthwhile economic for the company. Because who uses it, has achieved 2007 again a higher net yield compared with the previous year as companies without this technology. (Hamburg, January 14, 2008) – also the current competitive prospects evaluate the BI users more optimistic than the comparison group. To these results, the 2006 launched BI-barometer of the Hamburg-based consulting firm comes novem business applications GmbH. Then, the yield index of companies with business intelligence 2007 rose to 133.2 points. An average return on sales development of 4.41 to 5.66 per cent underlying the 2006 represents an increase of more than a quarter over. Also at the plants without BI solutions resulted in better economic numbers, but with a lower plus: your return index recorded an increase of about one-fifth and reached a value of 116,9 points.
It shows a much stronger dynamic”economic development of BI users, judge novem’s Managing Director Dr. Peer Schwieren. At the same time the return on investment is demonstrated clearly intelligence solutions business.” The BI-barometer also when evaluating the additional business perspectives has a tend to be similar between the two groups. Here, 68 percent of companies focused on business intelligence offers a good to very good progress for the next time. This has led to a rise in the index for the business perspectives to 13.9 percent by 111,6 127,0 points. The other companies have slightly less optimistic on the other. Their index evolved but also positive, but only by 10.7 percent to 97.9 points, because in this group is comparatively more companies look more skeptical in the future.
Business intelligence is reflected in the practice as important drivers of growth”, the BI specialist Dr. Schwieren through the development of the BI barometer sees confirmed. Given the wealth of information produced today in the operating organizations management decisions are inevitably certain Risks, which ultimately also negative can present themselves in the business results. Intelligent analysis techniques, however, create for the company – and process management. a reliable information base” In this respect the logic for intelligence solutions users with business tend to have more favourable conditions speaks opinion by Dr. Schwieren. The graphics of the survey can be obtained at the following address: novem business applications as independent consulting designed and implemented novem product development, production and logistics to the sustainable increase of in company value of our customers innovative methods and solutions for the areas of business management, finance, controlling, sales, marketing. In novem as a market-leading solution providers such as IBM, COGNOS and Informatica partner offers its customers the best conditions and State of the art security. With over 200 sales and marketing information system implemented customer projects in the areas of (VIS / MIS) and more than 10,000 satisfied students and users who work with solutions implemented by novem novem is a market leader in the German-speaking.