Lack of exercise can cause health problems and character to the animal. In recently weaned puppies we must prevent the walk and contact with other dogs until you it has put its first batch of vaccines. When the dog has learned to contain needs not dirty at home, the animal will withstand until burst, rather than stain the floor. The regularity of schedules is important, thus the dog will know when it’s up and until when must tough it out. I will teach to do it in the right places, there are several techniques that the dog or puppy learn to do so, for an adult dog and when even this puppy, the technique of the newspaper, is one among many others. In terms of hygiene, if practiced regularly will prevent bigger problems, which in extreme cases could worsen and reach require veterinary attention or be a source of spread of diseases to people living with the dog. It takes a special both eyes and feet care, hair and all parts of your bath body should be given a couple of times a year at most, and never to puppies less than six months. Regular brushing and own the dog fat secretion serve to keep you clean the rest of the time.
By instinct dog sniffs urines and stools, since they give you a lot of information about the other animal. If your dog is male and sniffs a female in estrus urine. Hydatidosis is one parasitic disease, that the dog does not affect him, as long as it carries only the parasites at a time of their life cycle, but then it infects people, for which could be deadly. This is a summary of care that should be having with a dog or puppy that has a pet in the House, but it is a broad topic that you should deal with subjects such as: fight mating female in visits to the veterinarian when zeal makes their feces in places that shouldn’t care power training. Here! You will find a guide to more advanced and detailed on how to look after your dog or puppy, when you buy one it comes with the also the obligation to care for him and take care of it. How to care for your dog or puppy