Semantic Web
As journalists and archivists make the Internet usable to September 13, 2010 – Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Berlin, August 30, 2010: the Internet influenced many living and work areas; Some even fundamentally. This concerns mainly dealing with intangible goods such as information. The Web offers a revolutionary space, where you can access any user information according to his individual needs and they aggregate. What are the consequences that will have for the established players in these areas of publishers and libraries, is currently only dimly visible. It is undisputed that business is the publishing industry and producing the content (journalists) and be preserved content (libraries, archives) in a crisis.
To the wider use of the Internet as an instrument for the development of the worlds of information and knowledge, the semantic technologies and the Semantic Web will bring the next surge. They offer promising and standardized procedures to accumulate meaningful content with metadata. A step in this direction is “Linked data initiative” dar, who learns not only of scientists support. Several real applications have already demonstrated how open new value-added services in the field of customer-oriented publishing and consumption of content publishing and networking of RDF on the Web. The event wants to enrich the topic of semantic technologies to a new aspect.
In addition to the well-known approach, such as the Semantic Web in the future by journalists and other knowledge workers”(E.g. information, librarians, archivists) for their work be used can, should be discussed how vice versa the competence of knowledge workers for the improvement include the Semantic Web can be. Both professions have experience in the procurement, processing and preservation of information in a variety of formats for centuries. Newspapers and books produced for human users a task that is not yet been satisfactorily fulfilled by the Internet as a global source of knowledge. Therefore, the event will determine where on the other hand there are overlaps and synergies between the technical possible control of the Semantic Web on the one hand and the human capacity to find and manipulate information and knowledge.