Such deficiency if translates for not the observance to the principles of the superior education in Brazil. Article 43 of the Law of the lines of direction of the education determines that the academy has for purpose: I-to stimulate the cultural creation and the development of the scientific spirit and the reflective thought; II-to form diplomee in the different areas of knowledge, apt for the insertion in professional sectors and the participation in the development of the Brazilian society, and to collaborate in its continuous formation; III-to stimulate the work of research and scientific inquiry, being aimed at the development of science and the technology and the creation and diffusion of the culture, and, in this manner, to develop the agreement of the man and the way where it lives; IV-to promote the spreading of cultural, scientific knowledge and technician that constitute patrimony of the humanity and to communicate knowing through education, of publications or other forms of communication;
V-to excite the permanent desire of cultural and professional perfectioning and to make possible the corresponding concretion, integrating the knowledge that go being acquired in a systemizing intellectual structure of the knowledge of each generation; Vi-to stimulate the knowledge of the problems of the present world, in particular national and the regional ones, to give specialized jobs to the community and to establish with this a reciprocity relation; Vii-to promote the extension, open to the participation of the population, aiming at to the diffusion of the conquests and resultant benefits of generated the cultural creation and the scientific and technological research in the institution (Brazil, 1996, p.52). 3 Without observing the legal rule, many academics leaves the academy unprovided of values, position citizen and vision integrator, Moran, (2001) affirms that: … to also educate is to learn to manage values. It is not only enough to information and knowledge. The university if omits very in this field, when it leaves the values for the scope of the family, religion, of the personal field..