It is as to join parts of a great break-head that is the period of training in all its structure. Its complexity very goes beyond its respective stages and documentary plans. The rocking is sufficiently positive taking in consideration to little experience front to the teaching action. The result surpassed the expectations a time that the involved parts, professor-regent, pupils and trainees, had left satisfied. ' ' It is not I silence in it that the men if make, but in the word, the work, the action-reflexo.' ' Pablo Freire the teaching profession is one practical social one, that is, as as much others, are a form of if to intervine in the social reality, in the case, by means of the education that occurs, essentially in the education institutions. For better it understands it is necessary to distinguish the teaching activity as practical and as action. The practical one is institutionalized; they are the forms to educate that they occur in different institutionalized contexts, configuring the culture and the tradition of the institutions.
This ' ' tradio' ' it would be the content and the method of the education the action mentions the citizens, its ways to act and to think, its values, its commitments, its options, its desires and will, its knowledge, its theoretical projects of world reading, its ways to teach, of if relating with the pupils, planning and to develop to it its courses and if it carries through in practical the institucional ones in which if they find, being for these determining and in them determining. ' ' Nobody educates nobody, and nobody is educated alone. She is necessary to become education a collective act, solidrio' '. Pablo Freire the activities materials that articulate the pedagogical actions are: the interaction between the professors, the pupils and the educative content in general for the formation of the human being; the interactions that structuralize the process of education and learning; the interactions in which if they bring up to date the diverse ones to know pedagogical of the professor; in which the processes of reorganization and ressignificao of such occur to know.