Exactly with the technological advances, the word continues being the media, but efficient existing, to know to communicate itself is an art, therefore the importance of what it is said in a communication is the relevance and the form if one may use the expression. The verbal language in guarantees the possibility to them to memorize messages thus being successful the barriers of the time, written signals substitutes the express vocal signs in the words, the writing is the representation of the sounds articulated in speaks in form of graphical signals. From the verbal verbal communication, the people of one exactly lingustico group create innumerable representations of the world interacting, if communicating, changing diverse experiences thus searching to solve its problems. The verbal language must be stimulated constantly, increasing our lingustico repertoire, a person with a good communication is that one that obtains to pass its message, for this if it makes necessary that if it knows very well to who if dirige the message, is important that the person who receives she understands what she was said.
Not-Verbal communication the not-verbal communication is all that one that does not use of words or phrases so that if it makes to understand as, for example, a painting or even though a corporal language, gestual etc. the corporal language is a form of not verbal communication easily of being detected, therefore the body speaks exactly, pointing lies, displaying unconscious truths, strengthening ideas and giving to emphasis the communication, to benefit or to confuse the understanding promotes the interaction with the sender and receiver of the message. The language functions as a way of maintenance or creation, power and control, serving as factor even though collaborating agregador or, depending on the objectives to be reached for the leaderships or even though for the companies. This type of language is so important that exactly between different people, cultures and languages, it has an understanding of the not-verbal language, smiles, choros, arrogance, nervousness can be identified by any person.