Advantages of uv disinfection: uv equipment fits easily into standard technological schemes – do not require major construction work on existing facilities, economically feasible. Today, the method of uv irradiation – an element of solving the problem of disinfection in potable water from various water sources, performs its function in complete water treatment system including individual to a country house. The view that ground water are free from microbial contamination as a result of water filtering through the soil, it is not true. Studies have shown that ground water free from larger organisms, such as protoza or worms, but smaller organisms such as viruses that can penetrate the soil into underground water sources. Even if the bacteria were detected in the water, equipment decontamination should act as a barrier against seasonal or accidental infections.
The best choice for disinfection of well water – uv equipment. In contrast to the use of chemical reagents irradiation process is absolutely does not alter the taste of water. Chlorination of water wells may lead to the transformation of organic compounds in chlorinated hydrocarbon with mpc several orders of magnitude lower, but they are carcinogenic to body (able to cause malignant tumors). uv irradiation does not produce by-products of the reaction, the dose may be increased to a value that provides epidemiological safety, both on bacteria, and viruses. This type of radiation has enough energy to affect chemical bonds, including those in living cells. Absorbed within the microbial dna and rna molecules, it causes a photochemical changes in their structure.