However, the argument stated at the last moment will be just as unexpected, and for the court, the time to understand it will be gone. Moreover, the impression that you unsure of their previous arguments and trying to hang on for at least something. The likely result – your argument would be laid by the judge ignored. 5. Details refute the arguments of the most vulnerable opponent. Hit the weak spot. However, rest assured the judge of the forces on their own or after your little comments to understand the fallacy of a weak argument and remove it from the logical chain at a resolution of the case.
Leaning in refuting a weak spot, you speak into the void and lose time. 6. Objected to everything said by the enemy and his witnesses contradict them all. They are not on your side. However, not all has been said by them to the case, and some of the catechumens the facts were in fact and irrefutable.
In objecting to everything, you show partiality, and it leads to loss of confidence in your other – a reasonable objections. 7. Overwhelm the enemy's witnesses questions. So you can catch them on a lie. However, most witnesses do not catch the lies, because they speak the truth. False witness in a Russian court can be set rather than on the internal contradictions of his testimony and calling witnesses to court in good faith, clearly telling otherwise. 8. Ask questions to the witness a longer, put in question his assessment of your previous answers and different views on the matter.