It has a truth that they want to silence, his throat came out the unspeakable but his words were no melodies. It has no joys, remembers that once he had them. Now he has them stored in a drawer biding their time dusting them. It has kidnapped voice, his humanity has been tied, he feels his soul is dried and fades as wheat to neglect. He has no freedom, removed it is him who attacked him and his thoughts. Worst of all is that the executioner thinks that he is doing well and that is the worst damage of everyone, believing that it is not faulted. It has an urgent need to differentiate themselves.You don’t want to simply blend in with their surroundings; every day his veins, his blood and his joints become threads in wheat where there are insects.
Not afraid, in spite of everything you have done. Forces out of the bottom of his being, out of their desire to live and no one forget the evil that has been done. You have your eyes closed.They have humiliated him until he’s rodillaspero he will get the courage from its bowels to continue. It has no shackles, but not necessary. Which enslaves makes it even with the look and the enslaved does not need more to feel dominated. It has guts amarillaspero struggle daily against his captor.Their struggle is not to shock, their battle is resistance pacificaporque knows and has seen that you can live without barriers and jaws.