Schwelm has its own radio station for the local region (yet) know the least, but this ‘ to change rapidly: Schwelm has their own radio channel, which entertains the audience with handmade music from a cozy “living room Studio” on the Lohrberger route. Tell a friend: 24 hours a day the music of local bands is sent – news from there in the stream are two to three times a week also live broadcasts moderated. “Return of Rock Radio” – the name is program, the rock music back and with this Web radio “Mainstream music” absolute nil! At regular intervals, bands and artists with Thorsten Tigges and his colleagues in the Studio are to make… the questions and the band and artist in detail the fans and listeners to present. Of course, concerts and other events (such as E.g. the song contest 2012) live on the radio are transferred. “Return of rock radio” was an idea by Steve Lady8 and Thorsten Tigges at the turn of the year 2011/2012.
The fact that Steve “regular concerts under the name return of rock” organised, where bands appear from the perimeter, it was close, that there should be the right radio for this, where precisely these bands will be played throughout the day. Thus the return of rock graduated from radio”01.02.2012 the light of the world to the bands from the area of Schwelm, Gevelsberg, Hagen, Wuppertal listeners bring closer to. Band performances, interviews with bands (even from the rehearsal rooms), concerts and visits are just a few features of the radio. In addition, works with an up and coming promotion team, concerts with the help of “The return of rock” and now has a good “facebook-based”. Recently, return of rock radio has a further moderator who is young 18 years and therefore perfectly suitable for the young bands. “Dennis uploaded, with his show Planet Rock” fits perfectly into the team and therefore also the young generation very appealing.
“The show return of rock” with Thorsten Tigges, and Steve Lady8, who is Improshow No. 1 on the German Web radio, because you never know what will make the two just for a program. In the show held annually during December”, Thorsten Tigges presents the best hits of the bands and presents this repeated bands and artists who have been invited with him in the Studio. This kind of Web radio is unique up to now in this form. So click purely times under and listen to the “hard up delicate sounds” heart rock musicians from the sector. Sascha Miskovic singer-songwriter as a passion, which the sender an own show dedicated to a few weeks ago. Program Director”Thorsten Tigges works in Web radio business more than 5 years and has a long experience, that very helped the work and dealing with the bands. For 4 years now he conducts interviews with well-known and local bands and artists (already gunslinger, primal fear, Evergrey, oomph, negatives or also Lordi were).