Dear readers, we are to doors of great change and apparently nobody wants to give account that first energetics with petroleum (next to the coal and natural gas they are called combustible of fossil origin) already is touching bottom, and except for efforts isolated of some countries, mainly European, era of fuel fossil beginning his way without return, because the world-wide reserves are run out (the cost of extracting each barrel of these wells is more and more expensive because residual petroleum is due to inject water and to extract) and the new well discoveries are more and more little and of smaller production, and would initiate gradual an increase of the prices of the crude one (one would begin slowly), because the supply definitively no longer will cover the world-wide demand. The world-wide economies still move in a high percentage by petroleum and derivatives, despite the knowledge of the environmental damage caused by the burning fire of almost of 200 years of main operation responsible for the global heating, what makes urgent entrance of alternative technologies of nonpolluting energy, many of these technologies working for more than 45 years, demonstrating important results in the economies where it has been implanted. Between these alternative power plants, friendly with the environment we have the renewable ones, constituted by: 1. The energies obtained from the sun: Solar energy, biomass, the Aeolian energy, energy hydraulic (potential and kinetic) 2. Geothermal energy 3. The energy obtained from hydrogen 1. The energies coming from the sun, like the solar energy, that comes from our unique star of our planetary system, that has an approximated mass of 334000 more than the Earth; being its composition of 70% of Hydrogen, 27% of Helium and 3% of other chemical elements. The enormous mass of the sun generates gigantic pressures gravitational, about which it reaches temperatures of million degrees Celsius, which allows to initiate a thermonuclear reaction in its interior.