The interest of the population in searching for these services in these establishments can be determined by the necessity to satisfy the corporal model praised by the media or the fact to improve the quality of life and, consequently, to get better levels of health. Objective the objective of the research was to analyze the profile of the performance of the personais trainers and to get the information of the charged values, used protocol and superior formation. Methodology: 63 professionals being 37 of masculine sex and 26 of the feminine sex had been searched, of the area of physical education, where all acted as personal trainer a questionnaire for collections of the data was applied, 43 academies in the city of Rattlesnake – Paran, these had been searched being 22 clinics of specialized training and 21 academies Numbers of taken care of customers had been raised, remunerativo value of the hour/session, carry through nutricional orientation, application of the Questionnaire on Promptitude for Atividade Fsica (PAR-Q), possess register in the regional Advice of Educao Fsica (CREF9/PR), have superior formation, specialization latu sense and strito sense. In this work, the performance of the personal was studied to trainer, the conclusion that if arrives of the research is that the personais trainers of the city of Rattlesnake are searching half to increase its knowledge with the participation in after graduation and this providing a work of better quality to the customer. The search of the perfectioning technician makes with that the personal to also trainer can value its work increasing its remunerativo value. It analyzes it of the study confers that the personal to trainer this really making jus its profession and the search of its perfectioning through a specialization with the price of the charged sessions is equivalent..