A careful analysis realised by Vasilis Fthenakis of the National Laboratory of Brookhaven long-distance indicates that within 10 years, the costs of the photovoltaic one could be placed near 10/kWh, including the transmission and the cost of storage of the compressed air to be able to use it at night. Also, the analysis of the estimations of systems of paving thermoelectrial with sufficient thermal storage to generate electricity 24 hours to the day in the spring, summer and autumn, indicates that 10 could be offered electricity to /kWh or less in this date. The transport in a World-wide WWS will be determined by the batteries or fuel batteries, reason why we must compare the economy of these electrical vehicles with the one of vehicles of motor of internal combustion. Detailed analyses done by one of us (Delucchi) and Tim Lipman of the University of California, Berkeley, indicated that the production in mass of electrical vehicles with forward batteries of lithium ions or the batteries of nickel metal-hidruro, could have a cost by mile or km throughout their life (including the battery replacements), comparable to the one of the gasoline vehicle, when the gasoline is sold to more than 2 dollars by gallon. When the calls consider external costs (the monetary value of damages to the human health, the environment and the climate) of fossil fuels in the transport, technologies WWS are still more competitive. The cost of general construction of a system WWS could anywhere in the world be of the order of 100 trillions of dollars, in about 20 years, not being including the transmission costs.
But this is not money distributed between all the governments or the consumers. In addition this investment collects a traverse of the sale of electricity and energy. And once again it is necessary to remember that, if we depend on the traditional sources, it would suppose to happen of 11.5 to 16.9 TW, which would require thousand more of those plants, with a cost of approximately 10 trillions of dollars, without mentioning the tens of trillions of dollars more in health, environment and security. Plan WWS gives to the world a new, clean and efficient system of old, dirty energy instead of and an inefficient one.