Translated from English "outsourcing" is a transfer to a third party or contractor delegating responsibility for the conduct of certain business processes of the company. When we speak of it outsourcing, then mean the transfer by some functions to manage and support their own information resources outside the firm. So, let's consider how appropriate to use this service to businesses and organizations. On the one hand customers a very cautious approach to outsourcing to benefit from it – in fact trust the third party's subscription service includes computers actually provide access to confidential information that is essential for business. Therefore, some managers are not yet ready to give the moral responsibilities of their employees to outside specialists as can not overcome the barrier distrust of the potential suppliers of outsourcing services and prefer to perform all the work by their own employees. In reality, things are somewhat different.
For entities that provide services outside it outsourcing this area is an important component of business and, therefore, provide the customer with quality services and security system are a major concern for the success of the firm and its flawless reputation. Outsourcers directly bear legal responsibility for any loss of data as well as for the leak of information In such companies, collected the most highly qualified specialists and firms engaged in it outsourcing in its composition have specialized units dealing with security. Let's look at all the pros and cons of it outsourcing in more detail. Pros: – Cost savings.