In this case, your occupation is doomed to be a hobby. High competition, so many people engaged in this business. The inverse situation, paragraph 3: too many people already go to this well-trodden path. It is not necessary to engage in cloning ideas. A copy is always worse than the original. You do not find your uniqueness. Poor know their characteristics, aptitude, ability. Do not know what could would stand out among the other people involved in this affair.
You are not ready to act. You can wallow in his gray work and dream of something better, but you're not ready to make a decisive action to find their cause. You are not willing to listen to yourself, your desires. All work with him you just feel blessed and entertainment, to every kind of suspicious of the "delicate matters" like the Soul, Dreams, Vocations. You do not really want to change anything in their lives. Even if you have something strongly dislike in your current job – is familiar. You are just playing a game with myself "try to change something." You are not ready to leave the comfort zone for real.
General negative attitude to life, faith in the ability to change it. Whiners and pessimists are doomed. "If you think that you get – you'll get. If you feel that you do not get – you do not get. " Henry Ford. Low self-esteem, frustrating. Perhaps because of the education you just do not see your strengths and do not believe that you deserve the best that you can get – do what you like and earn decent money. As in the history of the elephant: a small elephant tied a thick rope to the cabinet so as not to run away. When the elephant grows up, he tied a thin rope to a small column. The elephant does not even try to escape – he learned the lesson that it is impossible. As you can see part of the errors associated with external factors (3,4), but most applies to your inner mood. Driving it, you this thing, and the rest of this technology: to find the necessary information, organize, decorate, etc. Importantly – to understand themselves.