It ran away for the forest and found one casinha that she was of the seven dwarves. The queen if dressed of witch gave an apple with poison and it she fainted. The prince lode gave a kiss in it and it woke up and they they had lived happy ' forever; '. In the penultimate session we play Alfabingo. This game was new for.
explained as we would develop the game. As. it knows the letters separately did not have difficulty, however to develop the global reading almost it did not obtain. I helped in the reading. We finish the game.
Immediately afterwards, we start the reading of history ' ' Joo and Maria' '. . He said that never I heard this history. But he was surpreso because he had an equal witch of the Snow White. I asked for that he recounted history: ' ' They had lost themselves in the forest, but first she had bread in the soil. They had lost themselves and been in a candy house, had eaten all the candies. the Maria killed bruxa' '. As we delay to develop the game in this session. did not make no activity. In the end of the session it said for. that the next session would be our last one. To finish the intervention sessions we play Handle – Rods. . If it amused sufficiently, although the great difficulty. To finish the work with stories I asked for that it chose the history that it more liked. It soon it caught the book of the Snow White. It recounted and drew history. We finish the session and said that we would continue soon, then our work. Methodology This article was by means of bibliographical research and a clinical case d A.S.S in the Center of Psicopedaggico Attendance in the University Center Adventista of So Paulo – UNASP Had for objective to bring infantile histories: Joo and Maria, Red, White Small hat of Neve and Cinderela as instruments in the psicopedaggica intervention.