Social Networks Radios
The Court of Justice of La Rioja has confirmed the disciplinary dismissal of a worker to connect to Facebook and other Webs of playful content during the labor day. The company, had warned to its employees on the rules of use of computer science means and access to Internet, as well as of the measures that it would adopt if abuses existed. All this, together the demonstrated negligence of the worker, that it dedicated great part of his labor day to sail by the network (in a single day visited up to 72 pages nonrelated to its labor activity), causes that the court has been able to confirm the dismissal. As we noticed in the news Privacy versus productivity if the worker is not informed, through political of use of political computer science means and of privacy, of the consequences of the use of these average ones for personal aims, the industralist would not have faculties of control of use of the same, and if it could be incurring an infringement of the right of privacy of the worker, argument that used the defense of the employee. In this tactical mission, the audit of the computer of the goodbye, begins when the department of systems begins to receive incidences on very slow navigation in one of its offices. When verifying these incidences are originated by the computer of the ex- employee, the facts communicate to him and they remember the express prohibition to him to sail by unsuitable pages of Internet. The fact that culminates the dismissal is the repetition of these conducts. Nevertheless, the cases are multiple in which the test of audit of the computers of the employees, without to have informed to the same on the rules of use of computer science means, declares null and therefore the dismissal declaration, inadmissible.