German Things
Wanderley J. Jr Blacksmith Philosophy? FE-UFG. Introduction: Previous characterization of the existence human being while opening in and for the world. To reflect on the death of the desire of filosofar and the instrumentalizao of the language in the Age of the Technique is, in last analysis, to place in question a specific being, who we ourselves we are to each moment? the man, while -there to be played in the world, without justifications, so that or reason, one to be simply there, debtor to choose. A being who, most of the time, in its daily existence if loses in each one of its choices, crystallizing itself in a way of to be inautntico under the dictatorship of Impersonal Of the Man, it hinders that it to keep a more essential relation with the language, the proper things and I obtain exactly.
In two you celebrate tickets, the German philosopher Martin Heidegger (1989-1976) looks for to show to us what it constitutes the true one to be of the man. The first one is one citation of Antgone de present Sfocles in the Introduction to metaphysics 1935 (Cf. HEIDEGGER, 1969). To another ticket is one fbula extracted of the Fbulas de Higino, it was cited in 42 of Being and Time, and would express an understanding daily pay-ontolgica of the man as well-taken care of, cure? unificante structure that congregates all the ways of being of the man with the things and the others, and that it marks its finitude as be-for-death. Cf.
HEIDEGGER, 1964, 42. In the Antigona de Sflocles, the choir sings: ‘ ‘ Many are the strange things, nothing, however, it has of more strange of what the man. Part on foam of the high water in the way of the storm it southern winter and crosses vacant mountains, that open anger abysses.