Disinterest for other peoples. c. Interest for this generation Plan and careful performance to only prevent risks. Science and technology nor always are good. b. It withhold the desenvolimento of the nuclear power. c.
Development and use of technology branda d. Governmental regulation to protect the nature To accept risks to maximize the good to be a.Cincia and technology is beneficial for the humanity. b. Fast development of the nuclear power. c.
To stimulate hard technology. d. Depreciation of the governmental regulation of protection of the nature Limits to the Growth. Scarcity of resources b. Demographic explosion c. Conservation No limit to the growth. Not-scarcity of resources b. No problem of population c. Production and consumption Necessity of a completely new society. The human beings seriously harm the same nature and itself. b. Opening and participation c. Emphasis in public goods d. Cooperation e. After-materialism f. Simple styles of life. g. Emphasis in the satisfaction correct current Society. human beings do not harm the nature seriously. b. Hierarchy and effectiveness c. emphasis in market d. Competition e. Materialism f. Complete and steady styles of life. g. Emphasis in the work to take care of economic necessities. New politics. Advisory and participativa b. Partisan to argue on the relation of the human being with nature c. Desire to use direct action d. To carry through the forecast and the planning. Old politics. It determines for specialists b. Partisan to argue on the management of ecomonia c. Opposition to direct action d. To carry through the control for the market Picture 01 Comparison between social paradigm and the new ambient paradigm Source: Picture of the Milbrath (1986, p.100) apud Gonzlez (2002). The picture above argues the contrasts between the paradigms, that they urgently need to be modified, for thus in them becoming a nation of sustainable consumers, therefore this subject possesss a deep dimension.