Original Custommade Furniture
Why furniture manufacturer in order better to purchase ready-made furniture? What is the advantage of furniture made to order? First: furniture, created on demand, appropriate use of space. Second: ordering furniture – you will have the opportunity to stand out among the multitude, and to emphasize his “I”. Third: saving money. Do you have the opportunity to offer his own version of design, specify size, color, number of shelves, the distance between these and other possible options, and our employees, taking into account your wishes, will design furniture from which you will be thrilled, be it furniture for bedroom, kitchen, closet or office furniture. If you are important design corresponding to the general style of the room and meets your lifestyle – contact the firm Yaroslavia! We have our own furniture production in Yaroslavl, and you can order from us as a furniture design office space (), and furniture for the home (hallways, closets, kitchens, children). The original production organization Yaroslavia in high demand in Yaroslavl and Yaroslavl region, including our customers’ furniture – exhibition of digital Technology DIXIS, Yaroslavl, a network of computer stores in the FRONTEX Yaroslavl, as well as representations of MTS in the Yaroslavl region.
Company Yaroslavia create an inexpensive, high-quality custom-made furniture in Yaroslavl, it’s all thanks to modern technological equipment and durable wear-resistant materials. Exterior finishing of furniture to order, our company pays special attention. Our experts help you pick the colors and material for furniture and offer the best design solution given the size of the room. The result is a convenient and reliable to use the furniture. And all of this – within your budget, the price of furniture in order to Yaroslavia organization does not exceed the price of finished furniture. We will answer all questions related to furniture manufacturing.