Tired of rebellious neighbors? The noise from the street? Need sound proofing, and quality. Soundproofing apartments in our time are increasingly part, although there is still no need to ‘rebound from customers. ” After all, most people in our countries live in the homes of the old layout, not in buildings. Yes, and sound insulation in new buildings are not often used. However, the soundproofing apartments still needed, since the noise acts on the nerves of every normal man.
What is the soundproofing? This artificial isolation of some areas from the noise, the almost complete isolation. It is clear that the need for sound insulation, special materials and technologies that enable the full least realize what you need. Soundproofing can be used anywhere: in homes, buildings, restaurants, cafes, offices, clubs, cinemas, etc. Soundproofing insulation is divided into apartments air (wave) and impact noise. Soundproofing impact noise insulation is used in floors and floors, soundproofing and air noise is used in the construction of walls, partitions, facades, roofs, etc. Important parts for sound insulation in every apartment are the walls, floor and ceiling. Well, for the sake of repairing the ceiling insulation to do no one would – there are many different materials for such things.
Thus, the glue wallpaper, we also did not become. Let’s talk about the materials. There are a number of different sound-proofing material, such as: Wall coverings Partitions (deaf or glazed) Gipsovinil Finishing materials (suspended ceilings, floors, doors, baseboards) Acoustic mineral wool Vibration mastic panel of additional sound insulation and other acoustic and sound-absorbing materials. Wallpaper glue and make repairs ceiling, we will not – we will hold our apartment soundproof different materials listed above. So, sound apartments – an important point in setting up. If you want to avoid virtually any noise from outside – sound to you. There are many companies that perform this type of work, many of them work under warranty. Also, the materials, as you can see, there is a choice. It remains only to make a decision.