' The Radio under controle' ' The MPB in the context of the New State Work of Conclusion of Course presented to the University Center Beautiful Arts of So Paulo as requisite for the attainment of the heading of bachelor in the course of Radio and Television. INTRODUCTION Hypothesis: The radio from the end of 20 years and beginning of years 30, functions as articuladora, of the project participation politician tutored person of the masses, in the life politics and of the consolidation of the MPB. This work will synthetically approach the invention of the radio and the arrival of the same to Brazil. We will argue on its development as a media of mass, inside it context it Getlio Government Vargas (1930-1945) giving bigger emphasis in the New State (1937 – 1945). The State if used of the radio and popular music for the spreading of its ideology. The intrinsic force of popular music would be alicerada basically in the power of creation of the people, who has demonstrated to a musical wealth equivalent to few in the world. It is added this that, for being historically a people with low index of alfabetizao, music, as it depends only on being heard, it was since always the greater and better I propagate joined to communicate itself. Thus you interpret, them and composers of Brazilian popular music, for its artistic force, always ombrearam? some times had exceeded in importance? with more significant figures of our nationality.
The used methodology of work was based on the method of research, analysis and historical discretion, books, musics, documents and sites are the beddings of the narrative presented in this work. In the first chapter, we will see the invention of the radio and the first occured experiences of the broadcasting in the world and its consolidation. In the same I capitulate we will observe that the arrival of the radio to Brazil is marked in its first years, for the difficulties techniques, files of legal documents costs of the receiving devices, and for the instability politics. The decade of 30 was the landmark of the development of the radio in Brazil, was in this decade that had been created laws, as of regularization of the propaganda for the radio and the law that stimulated the activities artistic, compelling the inclusion of Brazilian authors. In chapter two, we will observe the dictatorship imposed for Getulio Vargas in the period of the New State. We will see the censorship arriving at Brazilian popular music, for intermediary of the manipulation of the songs for legitimation of the government Vargas, counting on the aid of the censorship department created by the state with this purpose. Musics that did not follow to the arisca the censorship norms were vetoed and forbidden to touch in the radio and to participate of musical competitions. The composers of the time had had that to adapt to the subjects taxes for the government, as example the dither of the worked one. They had been thus known as: samba dither and positive samba.