Mexico Town

Mexico town of ignorant * Mexican political parties who exhibit their misery. * Politics in Mexico is a crap! Taxco de Alarcon Guerrero-March 10, 2010. By: Jose Alberto Betanzos Salgado. Public indifference, ignorance and fanaticism among other factors have allowed keep the ill-fated PRI, in power plunging the country; making Mexico a town of ignorant, in the most severe intellectual, economic and even spiritual poverty, proof of this is that it’s been over 80 years that have looted with impunity the country to the utmost, and of a few thousand lawyers and Mexican professionals do not see their legal knowledge and intellectual capacity to stop these political narco who have prostituted to all institutions and Government agencies and even the not of Government; the same army has not saved from his terrible machinations and perversions, have corrupted Mexican political parties using them at your whim to simulate that there is electoral competition, exhibiting only their misery, since then which are the domes of parties that are comparsas of the PRI, not it generalizes to all militancy and sympathizers, besides suppressed daily huge sums of money in pure worship to his personality, buying media and journalists who are full time to influence people in favor of the PRIhiding their pacts with the crime and organized crime and other types of concertation in the shadows. In this last, currently discussed in various media on a Pact of no bread alliances with the chiquillada by the PRI and its pawns of communication, where many analysts, journalists and opinion lidercillos tear garments by putting the cry in the sky shocked as inconsistent, unfair, perverted and other qualifiers. A clear manipulation of the PRI in the media is because it insists on calling attention to something that is not new, nor will it be the first Alliance nor the last what before was not unqualified? Do or is that really? are these alliances not to your taste and convenience? Because before it was not questioned, he criticized and attacked both these alliances and much less those who made themselves with them where if its alliances with the PRI were strange and perverted? These questions are not only for the PRI and other parties, but also for broadcasters, written press, radio and television, and to the latter say that already have a little dignity and intelligence and do your job, do awareness that these maiceadas that give them not worth for all the damage they do to our country, they are unbiased, truthful and responsible in practice not in speech.