You will need a parliamentary test to check the supports that are available. Be held in the week from 20 to 27 June. Berlusconi suffered a defeat in the recent municipal elections. He said sarcastically: I held a meeting: I wanted to fix the date of my funeral. Silvio Berlusconi’s Government will be tested at the end of June to a parliamentary test for the supports that are available, while the resignation by the Italian opposition demands are on the rise after the defeat in the recent municipal elections.
A day after confirming in the second electoral round loss of the Mayor of Milan (Northern Italy) party of Berlusconi, the Conference of spokespeople of the political groups in the lower house set Tuesday for the week from 20 to 27 June celebration of that parliamentary control the Executive. This new test for Berlusconi is produced by the express wish of the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, who in early may demanded that the Parliament to address the changes in the composition of the majority ruling that have occurred since the 2008 elections and, above all, following the recent appointment of nine under-secretaries escapee. While opposition from center-left – exultant by the results of the second round of municipal elections in the past Sunday and Monday – had requested that this verification of the majority ruling occur week coming, it was finally postponed to try to match a date with the Senate. Before that litmus test, Dario Franceschini, j of group in the lower House of the Democratic Party (PD), the main formation of the center-left opposition, has demanded in the parliamentary plenary session that the Government is already present as outgoing to that appointment. Different majority a few days ago, Napolitano wrote to the Presidents of the Chambers with the requirement of parliamentary scrutiny that it renew the relationship between Government and Parliament, said Franceschini.