Ideally, the credit institution with this data already performs a first request by the Schufa. It is accepted, the application for opening an account will be processed immediately. For the account holder, this means first of all, the Application to print out, sign and send a current proof of income to the Bank. Credit check and legitimacy In the next step the Bank performs a credit check for a free checking account. To do this, the Schufa request will be used. She shows no negative characteristics, the credit as you wish may be granted. Then, the account owner receives the appropriate contract documents for its free checking account. To get the documents for the implementation of the identification process.
The identification process is imperative if you want to open a free checking account. The application is done online, is the legitimacy test with the help of the free PostIdent procedure at the nearest post office. In the PostIdent procedure, the identity of the account holder is matched with the person himself, the ID data is transmitted to the Bank. By using the identification method checks the Bank that the account holder the account for even opened and that he is on his own account. After completing the identification process is a free checking account directly and can be booked immediately for deposits and withdrawals. …nicht only with direct banks an online account opening is now absolutely normal for a free checking account. It is not necessarily tied to an account with a direct bank, which uses only the Internet as a sales and communication.
Also the traditional brokerages offer the opportunity to open a free checking account online. Generally, hence the account management with the help of online access is guaranteed. Terms and conditions accurately read however personal counselling in the Bank eliminates in an online account opening. Therefore, it is advisable to read the terms and conditions very carefully. This applies particularly to any terms and conditions, which are linked to a free checking account. You see a minimum input or fees may apply a prescribed account sales per month, the the Customer in the worst case even first overlooks. Ultimately, he is confronted with hidden costs that were not known at the account opening. Therefore, a careful examination of the contractual terms and conditions is particularly important if you would like to request a free checking account online in the Internet. Conclusion however has found a free checking account without conditions can one every month in the future save some money for account management and also for interest payments with his help. At the same time it is flexible and independent bank, through online access which is very helpful for professionals.