Auto Publication and the Revolt of GutenbergAuto Publication is the word of the fashion. Plus one! In the years the 70 writers who today look the Auto Publication if called Delinquents. Later Independent. In years 80 and 90 they had gained the label of Alternative. He does not import the flag or the cajado one. They exist and if they multiply in Brazil and the world in what I come calling ‘ ‘ The Revolt of Gutenberg’ ‘. In years 70 they were groups and if they divided in small movements. Today the individualism is the profile and the sentence.
The personal marketing of styles if overlaps to the subject and the workmanship. The phenomenon not only reaches the news that they search chances and space, but professional also liberal (lawyers, doctors, professors and others) that they find in the Auto Publication, excellent tool to alavancar its careers and to gain money. A great number of writers exists that gave up the commercial publishing companies (the reasons are many) more than what this, discovered that the way is another one. Books under demand and in small drawings in many cases provide to the workmanship creator I believe this world of Gutenberg. Its revolt is not quiet much less prompt. When the Conde de Nassau violated the secret of the copy freeing the mobile types made it in the bulge of the destination also freeing letters, words and writers.